Love Lights Photography: Blog en-us Love Lights Photography (Love Lights Photography) Mon, 16 Mar 2020 07:09:00 GMT Mon, 16 Mar 2020 07:09:00 GMT Love Lights Photography: Blog 120 78 Focusing On You: Your Newborn Session Focusing On You:

Your Newborn Session


I wanted to let anyone considering an in home, newborn session with me know what you can expect and where my focuses are.  I often am told stories by clients of their first experience with a newborn session where they feel they were not the focus.  Where the focus was on using as many baskets or props as possible while in reality, they just wanted a few nice shots, and to be able to go home and relax.  And to be honest, that is so me!  I want everything in my life to be as stress free and as easy as possible.  

So please, join me in viewing one of my most recent and favourite in home, newborn session for the Hutton family while I tell you a little about my process and what I am hoping to achieve in your session.


First of all, my intention.  My intention is always to capture your family connection. I am a photographer who likes to capture your natural interaction and not let your precious bundle be over shadowed.  As much as my sessions are about my artistic vision, that is not usually my first focus.  My first focus is you, what we can achieve together that showcases you, and how I can do it in a style that is consistent to my work.

My next intention is to be as relaxed as possible.  I have a child, I have been a brand new Mum, who was supermum in the hospital, only to get home and go, OH MY GOD, WHAT AM I DOING?!?  You don't need anymore stress and discomfort than necessary.  Which is part of the reason I come to you.  I didn't want to leave my house when I was a new Mum, I wanted to feel comfortable and able to relax.  What better place than your home?

Another priority is to be realistic, and help you be too.  Your baby is so new to the world.  Everything is new, and the only comfort they know is you and the inner workings of your family.  And then, here is this new, strange smelling lady come into my home, and I'm supposed to be cool with that.  Sometimes, they are definitely cool with that, other babies are not.  And that is ok.  You don't need to apologise, or worry.  Newborn sessions take time.  Your bub needs to know that it is ok, that they are safe and that they can be comfortable.  That may mean cuddles and getting to know me, it may mean feeding, it may mean taking a break and all of that is ok.

We also need to be realistic about your older children.  Just like your new bundle, some kids are happy as Larry to have me around.  Others, not so much.  Life has completely changed for them, and in some instances, for their whole life they have been priority number one, and all of a sudden they have to share.  It's totally natural and totally ok!  The more you stay calm, the better the session will go.  Kids will be kids!  They are amazing!


My focus is always your baby and family.  I like to work minimally.  I don't like to detract from your amazing new baby.  I generally like to observe the little gestures of your baby.  I know as a Mum that I look back on the pictures of my little guy, I love seeing the little nuances he had, and they remind me of all of the amazing little things he did at that age.  My focus isn't on all of the decoration, my focus is him.  Because he is my star, he is why I am here.  You baby and family are the stars.

You may notice a lot of my family images have minimal posing.  I do definitely pose clients, but I'm generally not there to capture a pose, I am there to capture your relationship.  You can have the most amazing pose in the world, but it still not portray the amazing love between your family.  I pose my clients then say, now have a cuddle, or a tickle or a play.  Especially when it comes to kids.  How many kids do you know that are totally happy to sit still and look at a camera, smiling for hours on end?  I would much rather become an allie to kids by letting them be kids, than be a stranger telling them to sit still!

So that is pretty much me really!  I was asked recently if I entered many photography competition, and without thinking my answer was, not really, I just want to make nice photos for good people.  And that pretty much sums me and my session style up.  Let's make it fun, easy and capture some amazing images for you!


(Love Lights Photography) Tue, 18 Jul 2017 04:55:53 GMT
Larissa and Justin's Maternity Session 2016 What is more worth capturing than growing a new life!  This of often a time that is easily forgotten once bub arrives.

I had the absolute honor of capturing Larissa and Justin's maternity journey, and the following images are those captures.

(Love Lights Photography) Sat, 28 Jan 2017 07:35:11 GMT
What is Lifestyle Photography and Why Will I Love it? What is Lifestyle Photography and Why Will I love it?

When the Big Boys Come to Visit

Lifestyle photography is a very organic form of image capturing.  Its aim is to show real people in real places.  Whether that be in your home, the hospital in the case of fresh 48 or birth shoots or on location.  If you are a fan of my work, than there is a good chance you will like lifestyle!  I follow many of the same concepts, but usually on location.

I'm sure you are thinking, why on earth would I want photographs of things that happen everyday, in our home even.  Its pretty boring right?  Thats where you are wrong! Our everydays are more amazing than you think!  Especially when it comes to the likes of newborns and children.


We are usually so caught up in the rush of living (or making a living) everyday, that we often miss the small stuff.  


When we have a newborn at home, everything can become a blur of sleeplessness, nappies and a beautiful (but sometimes loud) bundle of joy.  In our haze, sometimes we glance over the little things, which is more than understandable!  But when we have those little moments, when it is quiet and you are wrapped in your little, beautiful bubble, and the world feels like it a million miles away, wouldn't you like to look back on that?  Those times when you are over the moon that you finally got that swaddle to hold, or you got that burp that was keeping your little one from resting, or those teeny tiny nappies that don't stay tiny long enough.  Those tiny things that we forget.  Even those little things that don't seem all that fun at the time make amazing memories!  The little face he pulls when he is about to burp, or the squirmy eyes she gets when she is about the throw a tantrum.  All of these moments are important, and amazing.


And then they are no longer babies, they are toddlers, or even kids.  Kids are funny.  Kids smile whenever they feel, or frown as the case may be.  Kids don't hold back, they run, jump, swing, climb and most importantly, they don't know there is 'someone they are supposed to be', they are who they are.  Wouldn't you love to capture that and cherish it for years to come?

Spray Shy

In the rush of the school drop off, Doctors appointments, dance classes, sports training, homework wheel, take some time to celebrate that your family and what they love!



Our little worlds are just that, our own.  No one knows them like you, and you should cherish and celebrate the little things that make them!


(Love Lights Photography) Lifestyle Photography Love Lights Photography: Fri, 24 Jun 2016 04:30:41 GMT